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Triple room with private bathroom


- Breakfast ;
- Satellite TV ;
- Digital terrestrial TV ;
- Computers ;
- High-speed internet ;
- Linen and towels ;
- Private parking;

Available 2 double rooms with private bath.


- Breakfast ;
- Satellite TV ;
- Digital terrestrial TV ;
- Computers ;
- High-speed internet ;
- Linen and towels ;
- Private parking;

Mini independent apartment with 1 bedroom, 1 double room (2 single beds), kitchen and private bathroom


- Breakfast ;
- Satellite TV ;
- Digital terrestrial TV ;
- Computers ;
- High-speed internet ;
- Linen and towels ;
- Private parking;

Single room with private bathroom.


- Breakfast ;
- Satellite TV ;
- Digital terrestrial TV ;
- Computers ;
- High-speed internet ;
- Linen and towels ;
- Private parking;


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